Since BGM of ARCHAGE is tedious..
First of all, please listen to this music.
XD!! I play ArchAge these days. And the friends of a ship are the people who struggled against Difficulty Quest jointly together with me. tyey are very interesting people!! muahah
We beat one enemy after this. and New friedns name Luis and Alen ahahahah PAPPAPAPAUL!!
I joined the expedition. But I of those days do not have full knowledge about an expedition yet. And I was charmed by the speedy craft which an expedition's people have. ....then?
遠征隊? 参加?? 最初わからんかったけど・・・船だけはかっこよかった!!
マジそれだけです。で・・・この船を作る為に三日!! 材料集め・・・に努力します。
I collected information and parts from people, in order to make a ship. And I strove for part collection for 3 days. ..Long time lol
Wood collection suffers troubles in early stages. And wood grows in a map automatically. But a log cannot be obtained if time does not pass. and it's processed into one wood with three logs. ..
Then, there is a method of obtaining wood by other methods, but wood 100 is needed first.
to it, growth of a tree takes 2 days....LOL Damn!!
But I collected them and made the ship. The sense of accomplishment was very good.
はい!!、木材100 鉄インゴット100 生地100・・・を集め・・船建造です。
ita under construction!! mauahha. but there is turn in material. its wood first!! don't mistake material turn!! ...TT..
muahahah GO!!!
I was glad that I could make this. Probably, a sense of accomplishment is not substantial even if it gets and makes material from others.
I played and considered ArchAge. PVP PK is an addition and the production of AA is main. The fixtures of a ship are very fine and an underwater oxygen cylinder, a bow gun, etc. can be used. of course, a sail can also be folded. XD a bigger ship than this ship can also be made. But there is a problem of material. xd.Then, If I would like to enjoy PVP PK, I enjoy XILERO. cz, PVP PK of AA is not an EQ itrm problem. its never visible when an enemy uses hiding!! lol RO player knows hiding detection skill. okkkk!!
さあ!! 船を作ったら海へゴー!! 材料集めて作って良かったです。
filed mapにある木から得られる丸太をx3を得て木材に加工しなければいけない。しかし、容易に手に入る物ではなく・・・330個の丸太が要ります。さらに、木は1.2日経過しなければ成長しなく・・それから伐採するので時間がかかります。自分は、古代の森やら他mapを駆け巡り手に入れたけれど、マジ誰かに貰ったりする方が早いです。けど作った時の達成感はあります。
貿易船、海賊船、潜水艇という様な魅力的な乗り物を作れるけれど、一人で作るにはハードなんじゃないかと思います。仲間がいたとしても船の所有者が誰になるのかでもめそうね。もし、AAに潜水艇 生産可能なら私はそれを作りたい。AAの海の演出はきめ細かいので興味があります。船にも色んな備品があるので酸素ボンベなど背負って海底詮索も良い。
PVP PKについて、AAでの対人に何回か加わりましたけれど、使命のハイドとシャドウステップが強すぎるので対人で戦うのはPSもくそもありません。HIDING・・・ROならルアフ、サイト、と色んなスキルで炙り出す事が可能ですが、AAにはそれがない。使命スキル シャドウステップ・・範囲20以内に位置する敵の背後に瞬間移動、クールタイム30秒で確率によりディレイ無し使用可能。つまり、突然背後に回られてダークネスソード(物理スキル封印)、鉄壁スキル(魔法封印、スタン)、意思スキル(魔法無効)という一連の動きで終わりそうです。遠距離攻撃といっても弓の射程最大28+スキル攻撃30 50ぐらいですから・・・まあ、まだlvl37なので何とも言えない。AAの対人はXLEROよりも面白くない。AAの魅力は何かを作り動かす事が魅力なのです。
Add!! A female character will become this appearance if Harri Haran rides a pet.
LOL u like ss? 怒られるかもしれないけど・・ハリハランがペットに騎乗するとこの様になる!! lol?
the bug ? lol where me? haha the depths of the earth lake? hahaa
My friend Alen pako always waits for me to return to xilero. And since I got bored with AA recently, I decided to return to XILERO again. cz, i dislike item collection fundamentally XD!! But I return to xilero again, but....almost no XILERO player is. lol haha lielge eq ALL BANNNN!! g job Jon!!
CAT Woman lol
After all, I cannot escape from XILERO poisoning.
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