
I hate NEXON!!! Tos........o.o

I was waiting for ToS CBT till today. However, !!NEXON betrayed me.
I only play.. xilero or RO..
Tos BGM gooooood!! same ro orchestra.


   SoundTeMP - Rondo of Tedium (Tree of Savior BGM)


                    SFA - La Patria (Tree of Savior BGM)

Since Tos cannot be played, I return to XIELRO and formal RO again. But, XILERO already differs from good server of balance. This is also the current of the times. But I like only XILERO HAT EQ better than Normal Ro.

 WTH!? sinx EDP!! many viado! XD. now very strong AB. and sinx

lt;If u can break WOE emperi. Black set can be get if 240p is collected..But just fashion!

Yes. its me my Friend give best hat.

hiden eq player like him. and XILERO have many illegal eq. not clean!!my Atk all 0 dmg.. ad one hit dmg anyhow 180k..Then, 100% hit silence Normal atk. this effec cant Protect muarduk card. xd. Even I die frequently. And masquerade Ignorance is changed into Passive these days.and unlucky. Well, there is much Hiden eq which hid anyhow.XD.
XILERO FUK GMS SS UP!. There is a XRO active population of 20 now. The cause is in jon and GMs. And People got bored with Ro simply. And UP DETA and a forum are dead. Since the reason for player lost and a TOs play were improper, I considered the Jro return 

This server nomral JRO. 30$ jp server is need in one month. And a period is 30 days. Since JRO has donation severer than XIELRO, I do not like JRO. And JP ppl does not like an open chat. But since Tos cannot play, I think whether I will return to JP again. its cz, I met the interesting person at FREE account time. But international server will be good if a bloody atmosphere is enjoyed. 

Tosプレー出来ないので公式RO or xielro.. しか続けられない。CBT CBT2落選するとは思いませんでした。相当運がありません。BGMはRO TW同様に同じ楽団なので良い曲です
公式ROのフリータイム期間中に面白い人に会ったので彼と行動を共にしてます。もし彼が居なくなれば、Xilero。。公式Roもネタ切れでランダムルーレットガチャとXILERO HATよりもセンスの悪いコスチューム帽子が売られてます・・せめてPikado hatが有れば公式Roプレーを考えます。それから一部のSecond
 Costumeのセンスを感じられません。SC DEAD. ABは女GMに似てます。

ooo this costume. Second 3rb!! SC? SC? SC? what this? Dave Xd
You can look Second costume info!!
Arck bishop hahaha VIADO BEST OF VIADO.
Much VIAO will be produced

he Pro ninja Br Viado xd. He is br player which helps me by xielro. His nnja is a pro. a player like him protected me also before. And the person leaves xilero. 

The sea scenery of my old mbike was made. And The food of the mouth of a bird is chipster. However, my physical strength declines, is lost and a mbike travel may be difficulty. But I cannot forget a feeling of torque of mbike. xddd

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