Since I went to Mbike Travel, I UP some picture to Blog.
My run route. START is Hirosima Miyajima at first in KYOTO.I went to miyajima on the first day. And I am convoy Ise boarding to the next day. Three days are aerial show at Friendsip day. The fourth day is an A-bomb memorial dome Yamato museum Kuresi Setonaikai Simanami highway.
I set some picture and animation to this place.
GO look wkwk
very nice bridge!!
Friendsipday BlueImpulse Image quality is not good. I looked at this for the first time. It was very good. But I am not an airplane maniac.
Last day I look Yamato museum Submarine model
Very nice Him!
I meet them in Ymaato museum. And I act together with them temporarily. I am independent fundamentally. But I both act temporarily with other riders occasionally.
He was an interesting rider.
I dare to change his face and my face by RO Picture.
then ALL Mbike HARLEY
The time in which I was with them is 30 min. But they say good-bye. Tnx wkwkw
This place is Setonaikai. Many islands. This island does not have a signal.
I rested at this place.
I ran by mbike to Kyoto, after eating DESSERT. Long 350km wkwkw pm 12:57 i back home
I met many people this time.
About Icaros HMMMMMMMMMM I no playing this game its ca, Boring aahahhaha
but i make CHARACTER
Jon takes xilero balance restoration into consideration now. But, it is hard to regain the lost trust. Its cz, The illegal item has not been DELETE yet. And the common player could not beat them, since GMS still obtains FREE EQ. Since a player with the hidden performance EQ which does not have specification in XILERO FORum donate EQ rist is in XILERO, balance maintenance is very difficult.
Then Black DESSERT Open Date from today.!! maybe I Try !!
sc-03g, very good for the travel.goood
1943-The battle of Midway Music- Level 3 battle of Midway Music- Boss theme 1
旅先で話した方々は親切!! TNX.
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