I was busy recently. And Today's launch Nepal curry! BIG NAN!!
Tandoori chicken is hot!! but, NAN its delicious!! Then, I was not able to go to travel motorbike this year. But I would like to go to MT next year.!! I see a female motor rider in a town these days. A female motor rider is great.
Well, Musiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiic gogogog.
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (Saturn ver.) - Beginning (Jazz)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZW-iRmx3wITouhou Jazz」 Blue Magic 【DDBY】
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WNgaBytdW9M[Touhou Jazz] Bad Apple!!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6sIWD740dp8My main ACCOUNT is BLOCK by ADM at the end of last year. However, since I like OLD XILERO, I am looking at xilero forum occasionally. Recently, I check specification change SKILLL.
Asura DMG 400k!! wkwk
the old xielro!!
but. arrow storm 1 hit 50k
Magiccrusher 50k
this server if ppl High DEF, Only a defense disregard attack is an effective attack. That is, sharpshooting, spiralpierce etc, IF high def, arrowstorm dmg 1k~3k XD
but now asura dmg 300k Fik.
I verified about asura dmg to SS.
since actual OP item player uses OP wing, Asura dmg decreases
OP Wing Effect allSTATUS +200 and TGTB And All the state unusual attacks are not effective.
about TGTB effect! not 100%!!
this SS, if use TGTB,, not 100% protect Magic atk, maybe just half, TGTB dmg 2k~3k.Cranil shiled dmg 1k
But IF MDEF 99, Magic dmg no hit, cz, this server the formula of DEF mdef is old. That is, STATUS on the left-hand side of a STATUS screen is high, there is not dmg..
i wanna big hat!! wjwjw
magician of this Server can ride on a broom. wkwk very cute xd.
but cant fight !!
he seling LIEGAL EQqqqqqqqq
About normal japanese server
My sub ACCOUNT this.
Helius wing!!!!
helius wing is release by JP server at last. but bad effect lol class robe fuk
I am reminded of xielro, when using this wing by jp ro. damn.!!
Well, I do not know how to enjoy JP RO.
Just login and anyhow afk lol
but this server need One month 15$...
GO new infoooo!! look and readdd!!
My motor bike Xd, I would like to go to somewhere with MOtorBike again next year.!!
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