probably iam a XILERO addict.... LOL
well.. plz hear!!
I have 3 reasons which returned to xilero.
1. I wandered about many RO emulators, But XILERO had many acquaintances of mine. And friend and foe they remember my name. So, when i play new ro, I have to make my friend again.
2. I don't like collecting consumable item again from the beginning.
3. These days, there is no attractive on line game. And I like a bloody atmosphere game. XILERO and other RO emulators are international.
Erikyo davidが戻れば・・・Indonesia brの方々も集まるかもしれない。
Sinx breaker連射速度とSharpとの差がありすぎて、正直辛いです。あでも、色々と工夫すると戦えるかもしれません。
もう、1からカードygg集めとか出来ませんし、WOE PVPとかではなくて、
今日なんかは、wis pmで、hahaha im ur dead lol haha goggo 15@ im wait など
doantion itemは価格が高いので薦められないが・・・
Nujabes - Shino's Theme
XiLeRO!-Pk Team Etau 16-08-2011
this is Amon ra card and mix ring.
Set dragon slayer.
My rnager could not push down still stronger Helius wing set player, even if I use these set
this is set
effect auto FP and anti accessory coma etc
however, sinx will be stronger even if ranger uses this set.
I write some skill explanation here
Ranger. AnkleSnare trap does not move by AS
Even if a skid trap moves by AS, it's not HIT to player.
3rb trap Icebound and FT can't be placed under the leg of a player.
delay of Sharp Shooting Charge arrow 1 sec. 1.5 sec
PA anyhow mis lol
ah, But Sharp Shooting may be strong...max dmg 50k And arrowstorm is very strong
wolf can't be got if annoying vote is not finished. lol
Most ranger trap skill has broken.
Sinx GX. breaker does not have delay. And breaker dmg is 50k anyhow.
But EDP is weak.
RK LK. SPP 0deely dragonbless. and ??? max hp 600k lol RK
RG. if u use helius and ommi set. Cant kos!! lol
Pinpoint attack 100k deley long.
bash 50k max dmg
generic. Asid demonstration 10 hit 0 Dely xd^^
clown. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh lol
syura, occ dmg max 50k lol
i write nothing about shadow. cz, everybody knows that shadow has good skill.
Wiz, WarRock, MC max dmg 50k. hmmmm ahha
stargladiator idk lol
That is, ranger was still good. Awwwww LOL
The problem is XILERO SET Status
only STR UP SET.
We like a set suitable for each job.
The set effect which once xielro adm honor made was interesting.
Emerald = DEX
Critical up HP up
Sapphire = INT
MATK UP, Hat effect mdef up.
Onix= STR
hit down lol.
Inu neko set very good Status.
Gas exa Gas helius GDS Dragon ommi all bad Status only STR up.
its a an attractive set. But Status and an effect are not good.
The Ommi set effect is attractive, since it is not a DEX INT type, charm is reduced by half.
That is, I understood that All Set Status distribution and the broken skill were tedium of xilero.
But I will play xilero!! lol
Tik san lol why have full set!! well, she says that she helps us
Then, Akuma macros katue returned lol
I would like to form them again, but xilero normal player is weak, new player does not gather.
im sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep!! tnx all ahahah
GO GO play xilero LOL
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