
I am a XILERO addict.....


I was temporarily playing archeage. Our blood relative team was very interesting. But I cannot forget charm of a XILERO world. And the charm of AA was also very good, But since agricultural work is main contents, it is very tedious. FF14 AA lacks something.

I who returned to XILERO form a team immediately, and fight with an enemy. Then... it is jon which sells Eq item of the crazy price, since I also buy it, I cannot complain. However, doesn't a price fall to a slight degree? Then, It's lawful if it says from Rohan vijer kummer. And you can enjoy xilero.!! YES!!
君はxileroに戻ったり戻らなかったり何やってるんだって!! 確かに!、xileroを忘れるために私はAA移住を考えたのですが・・それは無理でした。仲の良い血縁だったんだけどね。ごめんなさい。

8年近くプレーするxileroから抜け出せない。中毒者です。はい。けどなぜEmulator ROに、長くいるのかわからない。Rohan vijer kummerいわく、君は我々と同じく・・中毒者!!

再びServerに戻り、Ownerと言い争って装備と今後のupdetaについて、New and old memberをGに加え戦いに挑みます。

The Eq wing price which he has is high. An effect is TGTB.
And enemy!!!!!

現在、xilero最強装備 wing 効果 日本風に書くと金盾

He is also our enemy. It is also possible to push down. But it is fairly HARD!!

倒すのは相当難しい、なぜならAccessoryカードも特殊で4枚カード STR +50 x4 and resistance dmg 11% x4 があるからだ、つまり、wingに金とアクセとタラフロッグ盾を持つ彼らを倒すのは至難。

でも無敵ではないのでShadowfoum or 数で倒すしかない。不屈の精神力が必要である

By xilero, this boots has a good effect now.
effect Gospel dispel 70% human dmg up.

私の持つBoots、効果はGospel dispel autospell Asm peunma 使用可能。
Strip Accessory hitの時にGospelを使いデバフ解除しアクセを使う。
Gospel効果は他にも敵のDef0 Atk0の効果があるので積極的に敵に使用する事で案外楽に倒せたりします。でも敵側の攻撃力も異常なので3発で死ぬ場合もあります。

【東方 Session 072】...enjoying this moment with you...


I played FF14 AA DD and the newest GAME until now. But since RO XILERO play years were too long, I cannot live in other games. I argue Jon and every day. ...

I to explain the latest XILERO system

well this SS look

she sya me... 1x1? what it? lol

Hhahahaha KOS!! okkk!!

Fundamentally, the player fought by 1x1 is not in XILERO. A common player becomes an enemy when a powerful player is on that occasion...You have to attack thoroughly.!! 


anyhow kos...
We as well as them are killed. !!cz, the enemy side is overwhelmingly stronger than we.

Guild emblem!! lolol

We always have many enemies. However, it is tedious if there is no enemy who fights. I think here. PK GAME of AA is killed with one blow in many cases. They will not be immortal even if it is crazy xileor doantion player. I do not like AA movement. Warp movement of FF14 is rather easy.



I returned to xilero recently and asked some questions to jon. He is NEW GAME 3v3. 2v2 CTF 5ff is made.


First, you make 3party. And it fights by field different from other players. And Doantion eq item gets by random to a winner. Strong eq Ygg cannot be used in this SYSTEM. You have to win by mutual teamwork.

This SYSTEM was in xilero a long time ago. It is SYSTEM in which a battle and item collection are possible. However, Wiz profeserr class cannot win RG RK because of the existence of TGTB. If there is no TGTB, 3v3 is interesting. Jon tries to make another SYSTEM again. It is 2v2. Since I do not know this SYSTEM, I am interested. However, when Ganetic RG PT is an enemy, it may be difficult to push down.

EQ set and card rist from which this is get


There is SET obtained by WOE besides this. This has a very good effect in Eq obtained by GAME
Red Beast Set, doantion set . IRIS set can be changed into the status which was suitable for each class with NPC. And Although IRIS set is doantion eq, the amount of status is TOP.

PK server ではありますがfield mapでアイテムを集めるのではなくて、

勝者は3人に魅力的なカード or set partsが与えられます。

他にもWOEでしか得られないeq itemもあるけれどアジアからのwoe参加は無理。

I make ArcBishop xd

very cute?
priest can also be fought by 3v3. But clown gane is strong after all.

After all, I am a XILERO addict. It may be the same as a drug. And people who know me are in xielro. That is important. 


About AA and FF14

I do not dislike graphic and character of FF14 honestly. its cz Lalafell is lovely. And graphic is beautiful. But a flight is impossible. It is regrettable that it cannot dive into the sea...
I would like to fly in this sky honestly. 


FF14 昨日プレーしてみました。

I built the house and made the ship. And I parted from the intimate friend and left AA. I do not like agriculture!! 

頑張ってlvl50 マイホーム、船と作ったけど、毎日農業していく自分の虚しさに気がつきました・・。後、AAで弓職、狙撃士はfield mapで突然の奇襲攻撃に対応するのは難しいかと思われます、私は海を泳ぎ敵の船を発見し水中から攻撃を何度か試すと水中の弓職はかなり強い!! シャドウダンサーのロマンskill 遠距離気絶もなかなか強い。ただ、陸の上だと対応は難しいかと思われます。気絶攻撃の対応は体力増強ですが、装備生産は非常に面倒なので辞めました。

やはり・・XILEROしかないと!! あの雰囲気が忘れられない。

私は・・XILERO 中毒者 LOL

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