
Dreamer RO Part6 hero quest bad

Please see my snaiper status and Hero quest Dragonus status
plz Read this!! "Draconus casts Level 10 Meteor Storm and Storm Gust. This deals damage from up to 100k x5/x10 hits.
Its Bowling Bash is spammed, which is normally a 1 hit kill.
I have tried several builds to survive its Bowling Bash. It's impossible.
It is Ghost(Lvl4) element. This means Champ's Asura Strike or Paladin's Sacrifice has absolutely no effect.
But you can kill it with Snipers:
400 LUK + 2 Abysmal Knight & 2 Civil Servant cards + Immaterial Arrow + Sniper Buffs = +/- 32k each hit."lol?

Hero Quest Very bad!! Because, I perform Dragonus, seeing Hero quest forum. Yes, my attack is not effective against boss. Dreamer RO was a tedious game. Worth of Doantion is not in Dremer RO.

It's said that a new player can't push down dragonus like me.
he was looking at and laughing at Hero quest forum lol
PT? lol and these quest are PT play, but people help nobody.

If Dragonus can't be pushed down solo, a new player can't perform new quest. Veryyyyyyyyyyyyyy bad lol

If the main contents of DRO are hero quest, they should make hero quest easier.
Now, DRO hero quest is not interesting. And new player will never come to PVP, if hero quest does not finish. coz, Status point 2500 up and a powerful weapon.

I may quit RO soon and I may play Ever quest 2 lol
xilero migero Dremer RO other RO very bad lol

Hero quest
part2 のドラゴンスカル
左 npc女に1B払うとドラゴンが居る場所にワープ
Forumの指示通りに、戦うとこちらの攻撃は全てmis or 300 dmg www
敵のステータス見ても、luk 9999なのにsnaiper luk 400程度でdmgが通ると思えない。

新しいプレーヤーに、尋ねたところ、おれも倒せないしforum見ても倒せない。と言ってる、もちろんGXでもdmg 1k程度
このドラゴン questはPTプレー討伐、

つまり、一人でduragon questは無理、paladin champ snaiperなどのPTで戦わなければいけない。

Hero quest stutas point 2500 and new WPがmain contentsなのに


エミュサーバーでのbalance維持は相当難しいのでpk pvpもつまらない。

ROはRO2 or Project R1に期待するしかないね!!


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