I who continued wandering about other servers looked at the Web page of Miga Ro again. The Web page had chang to the interesting thing lol
someone remained in my guild and was doing WOE haha
Well, probably old members may come to miga ro
No!! I unify them again ahhah
Doantion rate is a price low for the moment. But they will add strong Eq to a server
However, an item price is cheaper than a Xilero item. But we like the original item image of miga ro. coz, Emp DDs set is an item of xilero.
The DDs set of 20$ is an item lower than all the servers item.
Then, the staff often hears my request^^
I will not return to xilero, since my Xilero main account is blocking. But my sub account can still be used. however, xilero is dead.
If my guild member looks at my blog, plz come to miga RO. I am in miga ro for a while.
kamoto alex tik tiktok fargo song lee!!
akuma alen luis awin rico etc. already came to migaro. Then, alen plans to call a server many friends again.
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