I checked XileRO which can use 3Rb job for a super-long time today. But since my main account was blocked by foolish Jon, I used other acc.
But there are really few people.....
Overwhelming fire power of RK. And The accessories strip of a chadow chaser will be killed by high ATK lol
I lost hope in such XileRO.
some player use 400$ set +10 wing 300$ Godly Guard 2 slot ring etc.
Then, it's improper to consider the balance of these item and 3rb job atk
coz, dream ro 3rb skill many skill can't use and Big deley lol
please enjoy my old old SS!! ヽ(l'o'l)/
But there are really few people.....
Overwhelming fire power of RK. And The accessories strip of a chadow chaser will be killed by high ATK lol
I lost hope in such XileRO.
some player use 400$ set +10 wing 300$ Godly Guard 2 slot ring etc.
Then, it's improper to consider the balance of these item and 3rb job atk
coz, dream ro 3rb skill many skill can't use and Big deley lol
please enjoy my old old SS!! ヽ(l'o'l)/
He is the player which was strong at indonesia. coz, he fight alone
The excellent pinoy player Jarhead and llllllllll wiz mars etc
But people of most pinoy players were strong
And a beautiful malaysia womans akuma!!
She is very mad lol
He is the player which was the best in Argentina
ohh? Yugi Etau lol?
There were really many players which imitate my name. And The player deceived by my name was also in my friend lol
Jon xilero onwer.
Well, he is excellent as emulator server owner. Since he returned UB item to all the doantion players after WIPE, but he did not give me my doantion ub which killed the dad Adm rhile team. And he my main acc blocking.
she is a woman lovely at indonesia
Since she betrayed us and joined the SS divlas team, I gave her punishment.
plz look Top Ss champ name lol

Honor xilero Adm
He was a programmer excellent at xileRO truly. And the mdef bow which he makes is a wonderful idea
Since Hi wiz card does not exist in XileRO, a mdef bow is strong But since the effect which pierces through mdef is one of some set effects these days, balance has broken.
Probably, he considered xilero firmly, if money was firmly given to Honor.
lol Honor team Vs we team
Finally we had to fight with honor team
honor snaiper 1 ss hit 150k
Honor is mexico
he knew me lol
Next Xilero adm Rhile of Honor. Rhile was a person who uses 400$ set by Xilero every day.
When Rhile stopped 400$ set of jon, the common player continued the xilero play.
And my team fought with him and Jon stopped Paypal.
But I heard from the rhile team member of Dream RO that Adm which is not good after all is rhile lol
Enemy Obama rhile team
Last battel
They were the foolish xilero staff who already uses even TaraFrog helm. If Jin takuya was not in us the teams, obama rhile was not banished from xilero.
But every day of these battles was interesting.
So, I will still continue Dream RO
But I have to consider the Internet speed of my team and I have to guide a team to New Ro server.
Since there are many friends of their Facebook, if there is a good server, they will follow me.
Well, this is really difficult!!
coz, pk server Limit Tense Hidden Xilero Drak Van Zeta
Xilero = dead
Limit=bad Eq imege
hidden= can't use @storage and warp lol
Dark = many bot lol
Van = bot
Zeta =?
Dream RO is still interesting?
400$ set 2 slot アクセ godly guard持った奴には勝てない。
上にも書いてるけれど、exe jinという名のdoantion plyaerが普通ではないので、
foumから8.5v full Dllするとエラーは回避される。
+10wing 300$だぜ?
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